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Mom's Zucchini Relish


Hello everyone.

I hope you all have been well and enjoying this beautiful summer

weather. July has been a very busy time. The settlement is crowded with families

enjoying their vacation, the lakes and of course a great meal a Patti’s. And then

my veggies are all coming in from my gardens. I have one at my house and one at my mom’s house and there is nothing I love more than picking fresh vegetables that I have grown myself.

As usual I tend to over plant and an overabundance of zucchini led me to make multiple batches of zucchini relish the past couple weeks. If you have never had this, you should really try it. My brother Bob was visiting from Alabama this week and I sent him home with one quart and 5 pints of this zucchini relish, along with a couple quarts of pickles.

This recipe is one that I found in mom’s cookbook. It is a notebook that she has written some of her favorite recipes through the years. That notebook is precious to me. It contains generations of recipes handed down through her family. But this recipe has come in so handy for me since I always over plant zucchini. It is also a good way to use those zucchinis that you may have overlooked and let get too large. It is very simple, but so very yummy.

You will need 10 cups chopped zucchini, four chopped onions. You will mix this together with 5 tablespoons of salt. Cover and let sit overnight.

The next morning pour the mixture in a large colander and rinse well with cold water. Put in a stock pot or large pan. Add one finely chopped green pepper, 1 finely chopped red pepper, 2 ¼ cups apple cider vinegar, 2 ½ cups sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tsp celery seed, 1 tsp ground mustard, 1 tsp turmeric and 1 tsp nutmeg. Mix all together with a wooden spoon and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes. Pour into jars, let seal and you will have about 7 pints of yummy relish.

I have made 3 batches already this summer. And will probably make about 3 more. No, we won’t eat that many. But it is a nice little gift for friends. I hope you enjoy this recipe. I know my bunch surely does.

Until Next Time,



1 commentaire

23 janv.

Wow, that zucchini relish recipe looks amazing! It reminds me of my mom's cooking. She always made the same relish when I was in uni. Speaking of uni, I want to share one source It's this cool homework help service. They've got expert writers who can tackle any subject. Super helpful when you're swamped with assignments. Might be worth checking out if you're struggling with coursework.

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