What a privilege it is to be able to write a recipe blog for Patti’s 1880’s Settlement. As I sit here typing this, it just amazes me how this all came to pass. Knowing that I would not be sitting here today, doing what I love, had it not been for an amazing woman that had a dream. Miss Patti Tullar.
Patti paved the way for so many to have careers with a business that started out in a tiny room of a motel in Grand Rivers, Ky. Patti’s love of cooking, baking and entertaining turned that room into a restaurant that employs more than 225 people and is visited by more than 50,000 people just in the month of December.
Miss Patti’s recipes have continued through the years to be some of the most popular and in the beginning, the most sought after. You see, Patti was never one to share her recipes. She wanted people to visit Patti’s to enjoy her award-winning pork chops and mouthwatering desserts. And then it happened. One day in 1983 she received a request from none other than
Bon Appetit magazine. It seems a guest had tried, to no avail, to get the recipe for a pie that Patti served in the restaurant. The Sawdust Pie recipe to be exact. So, she turned to the magazine to help her obtain the allusive recipe. And let’s just say, it worked. I mean, who is going to say “no” to Bon Appetit? Not Miss Patti. She sent them the recipe in May of 1983, Patti’s Sawdust Pie Recipe was her first recipe to be published. I mean, if you are going to do something, you may as well start on a national level. Not a small accomplishment for a restaurant in the town of Grand Rivers, Kentucky, with a population of less than 300. But it happened. And because it did, and because Miss Patti settled for nothing less than perfection, she set her goals and surpassed them all. Because all those things happened, I sit here today typing this blog. Putting a checkmark on my list of goals. So today, in honor of Miss Patti Tullar, I share with you her sawdust pie recipe.
I hope you enjoy it even more now that you know how much history is
included in this recipe.
Until Next Time,

Good article